
May is International Masturbation Month!

If you don't already know, May is International Masturbation Month - and while almost everyone does it, masturbation is still a taboo subject in our society. Is it for you too?

Like the first international masturbation day is recorded May 14, 1995, when they are at the sex toy retailer Good Vibrations declared this day in honor of surgeon Jocelyn Elders - it was dismissed in 1994 by the then US President Bill Clinton, as proposed, that masturbation should be part of sex education.

Although International Masturbation Day is celebrated today July 21 every year, it is the whole of May devoted to the exploration of the body and intimate areas.

Treat yourself this month.
Treat yourself this month.

There will be various organizations during the International Masturbation Month encouraged to sexual health and breaking down stigmas, as modern research shows that masturbation can improve mood, increase immunity and flush toxins from the body. Among others it is even said to enhance sexuality with your current (or future) partner.

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