
MBFWLJ 2016 — Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana — Tribute to Marjeta Goršelj

MBFWLJ - 2016 - Marjeta Grošelj

This year's MBFWLJ hosted an exhibition of handbags by Marjeta Grošelj on the opening evening. The Marjeta Grošelj brand embodies timeless beauty, avant-garde design and the feeling of a special occasion. More than 20 exceptional masterpieces from the hands of the icon of Slovenian fashion design attracted the exceptional interest of the guests, and Marjeta Grošelj received a special recognition from the Mercedes-Benz brand for the second time.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana is a fashion week with an emphasis on internationality. The opening evening was graced by the presence of the Slovenian ambassador in Berlin, Mrs Marta Kos Marko. Thanks to the exceptional work of the Slovenian ambassador, all Slovenian designers from this year's edition of MBFWLJ can look forward to the possibility of presenting their works in Berlin.

MBFWLJ - 2016 - Marjeta Grošelj
MBFWLJ – 2016 – Marjeta Grošelj
An exceptional opportunity to promote Slovenia comes at the right moment, the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Slovenian state. With that Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Ljubljana realizes one of its fundamental missions - connecting creators with new markets, strengthening friendly and business ties, and creating high added value.

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