
Mediafest – a festival of intermedial art


Mediafest is a cultural event in Celje that brings as many as seventeen days of varied events.

Important information
Celje Youth Center
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Admission to most events is free. Entrance fee to the concert from 3 to 5 euros. The registration fee for the fighting video game competition is 7 euros.

Mediafest it is festival popular intermediate arts, which will be opened by the photo exhibition of the ČB, photographer Metka Majcen. It is the young man's first solo exhibition photographer Metka Majcen, whose creative photography is based on the relationship between man and the environment, but this time he presents himself with selected black and white photographs.

Within Mediafest will be held on Saturday 9.11. the largest Slovenian tournament also took place in fighting video games, for the fifth time in a row. The tournament takes place according to the "double elimination" system, and strong competition for domestic players is represented by players from foreign countries who participate in the event every year.

We will be able to see a theater performance Instant - comedy with two faces, performed by Žaba Gleda&išče, which tells the story of Lolipop, who wakes up in an instant world of fleeting stories and products. For all gourmets, Ivana Ristić's performance Bite with a spoon - creativity and art in food will be interesting, where we will play with food, flavors, colors and serving, because the kitchen can also be a creative and artistic space. Mediafest will end with music, namely with a concert on Saturday New Wave Syria and Karmakoma.

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