
Meme rock: the first monument dedicated to humor

A monument dedicated to humor.

Monuments and statues usually commemorate wars, memories and historical figures, but now also humor. Meet "Meme rock", the world's first monument dedicated to humor.

Do you also think that they are? statues and monuments taken too seriously. Why should they only worship important people and events from history? What haven't we humans proved to be in our history as well masters of humor?

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A monument dedicated to humor.
A monument dedicated to humor.

And so it was created the first monument celebrating humor. In you meme rock, 24-ton stone, carved are the most popular humanity's 'achievements' in the field of humor. The content was selected by more than 620 thousand online users from more than 114 countries. The authors buried the monument on April 19 in an unknown location in the desert, in the hope that future generations will discover it and realize that we were not only intelligent beings, but also beings with an extraordinary sense of humor.

A meme at a meme.
A meme at a meme.

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