
Memories can be inherited and science has figured out how

Have you ever had events from the life of one of your ancestors creep into your memory? Science says this is actually not unusual.

Many studies have already come to the conclusion that the effects of traumatic experiences are transmitted from generation to generation. You are probably interested in how is this possible.

Scientists with Tel Aviv University are in their research, which was published in the journal Cell, described the mechanism that enables memory transfer. This time they found themselves in the role of test subjects worms.

Research Manager dr. From Rechava he explained that they are The worms studied inherited small RNA molecules that contain information about their parents' starvation and infections.

Have you relived the traumatic experiences of your parents?
Have you relived the traumatic experiences of your parents?

They found that enzymes called enzymes are involved in the re-production of identical RNA molecules RdRP. Scientists have also managed to isolate the genes responsible for whether or not there is a change in gene expression between the organism and its ancestor. They named them MOTEK (Modified Transgenerational Epigenetic Kinetics) genes.

Although the research was conducted on the example of transmission of hereditary information in worms, it nevertheless offered useful answers. Scientists have succeeded in opening the door to a new field of human genetic research.

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