
A message to husbands: you are surprised that marriages are failing, but you yourself are not doing the main thing!

Dear husbands, this is a little reminder to check in on your wife—emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

She may be exhausted, but she doesn't talk to you about it. She probably doesn't even recognize it herself. Women like to "absorb" the stress of family members, and because they are not careful, they can burn out quickly.

Your wife may be so capable that even you expect her to do everything with ease. But at this rate, he can't. He needs your support. Don't let her carry the world.

Don't let her try to please everyone. This will make her sad, and when the stress starts to show, you will all feel her pain.

When people are under a lot of pressure, they are less kind to others. When they feel like they can't catch their breath, they will take it out on those closest to them. Consider her needs.

If you don't consider your wife's needs, don't be surprised to find that she doesn't show you love. There is an old saying: "An injured dog bites". If you see your wife being negative and quick to explode, she may just be trying to keep things together.

Protect what you love. Simple and clear. Keep the gift the universe gave you!

Make sure you give her a rest. Give her time to rest. Give her enough time to spend with herself. Maybe her days are so chaotic and demanding that she can't even gather her thoughts anymore. Allow the woman to rest and nurse. If she can't do something, try to make it easier for her. If he yells at you, try to look at it from a broader perspective. She may be overwhelmed and feeling isolated. Everything is easier when working in a team. Are you a team player? Can he trust you when he needs help? If you can - BRAVO. If it can't, don't complain that your marriage isn't working.

Talk to her about her schedule and see if anything can be cut back. Women are very good at filling all the cracks with what they do. They are superheroes who do many things at the same time, but eventually they get tired and burn out. Tell her to slow down because you care about her and want her to enjoy some peace. She doesn't have to "save the day". He can rest.

Protect what you love. Simple and clear. Keep the gift the universe gave you!

Even though you are not her savior and even though you shouldn't be carrying this burden, you are there to protect her. He has only one knight in shining armor in this world. There is no one else who could leave a greater impression on her life. Don't miss this great opportunity. When you love and care for your wife, she will deeply appreciate it. By putting her first, you will establish intimacy and trust with her. You will ignite a spark of joy and gratitude in it. Deep down, we all want someone who will love and protect us. We want to know that we matter. And we want our work to be appreciated. This gives us inspiration to move forward. Inspire her!

Look into your wife's eyes. Let there be a spark in them. Check in from time to time to see how it is doing. Pray for her. Walk beside her. Be her friend, because maybe that's what she needs. If her face looks frowny, it might be because she's very close to burning out from all this work. We all need to have fun now and then. This also applies to your wife. She was not made to be your maid. In fact, she was once a girl. Although she is now an adult, her heart still has the same hopes and dreams. She gave up a lot for her family. This is precious and reflects sacrificial love. But he still needs to slow down.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's very important that you know how to recognize your women's needs so that they can better take care of yours. It's amazing how this works. It's brilliant!

Watch out for her. Be careful and listen to her. In that order.

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