
Concert: Metallica in Vienna

For more than three decades, Metallica has been delighting its fans all over the world with exceptional music, and it will be the same at the concert in Vienna.

Important information
Krieau Open air, Vienna, Austria
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Price of the arrangement: 102.99 euros.

There aren't many bands that call their tour By Request. But Metallica did, because when buying a ticket online, we "request" the songs we want to hear at the concert. And they will serve us. Not only are they performing at the biggest festivals this summer. They will also perform in Vienna. They will share the stage with Alice in Chains and Children Of Bodom.

Metallica 2014
Metallica 2014

What the repertoire will be will depend on the participants of the concert. We can expect that the mega hits Enter Sandman, Nothing Else Matters and One will surely be placed in the iron repertoire. For other, lesser-known hits, which are certainly not few in a three-decade-long career, we will have to make an effort and cast our vote when buying a ticket. Of course, the guys are also preparing a new album and what new musical creations will be found... as a kind of musical treat for Metallica connoisseurs.

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