
"Art Nouveau" micro apartment in Berlin

Renovated micro apartment

The renovated Berlin micro-apartment is a collaboration between Berlin-based architects Spamroom and John Paul. It is an inspiring project, as the architects have managed to preserve some of the elegant art nouveau touch in the modern renovated apartment.

Architects of the Berlin architectural studio Spamroom and architect John Paul impresses with a superb renovation 21 square meters of a large micro-apartment that dates back to a long time ago 1900. The apartment that was in need of thorough renovations, nowadays offers everything that a modern individual needs for everyday life. An apartment that previously did not have a bathroom, as the owners shared the bathroom with the rest residents of the building, after the renovation, it gained this, and with the imaginative rearrangement of partition walls and kitchen elements, the micro-apartment became an airy and comfortable place of residence, which still impresses even with the decoration in the "Art Nouveau" style.

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