
Mitsubishi GT-PHEV Concept – Mitsubishi's SUV for the new times

Mitsubishi GT-PHEV Concept

Even before the Paris Motor Show, Mitsubishi unveiled a study of a high-class SUV for the new era - the Mitsubishi GT-PHEV Concept, which brings a hybrid powertrain and a battery with an enviable range.

Mitsubishi GT-PHEV Concept is a study that predicts the arrival of a prestigious sports SUV. This one will boast a bunch of advanced technologies, among others with a special windshield, which will serve navigation data and other important information to the driver. No terrain will be too difficult a challenge for him, as he will have four-wheel plug-in hybrid powertrain with a gasoline engine and three electric motors (two are placed on the rear and one on the front beam). It will be able to drive on electricity alone 120 kilometers, and with a combined hybrid drive we can add another zero to that number. The Mitsubishi GT-PHEV can capture "Sapo" by quite a bit 1200 kilometers.

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Mitsubishi offered us a glimpse of its future. Do you like it?
Mitsubishi offered us a glimpse of its future. Do you like it?

The large and high-performance SUV includes a hood Dynamic Shield, which we already met with the model Outlander, but otherwise it draws on last year's design the eX concept. Mitsubishi interestingly, he dedicated the main speech position lights, which are positioned vertically, while the main lights, which are in the style of closed eyes, are practically invisible. The dashboard delivers feeling of spaciousness, and the driver's compartment is completely separate from the passenger compartment. They decorate the interior leather linings, color coordinated with the roof. Of course, they are not lacking the latest infotainment acquisitions.

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