
Mizukami: hotel rooms that float on water and transport you to a secluded island

Hotel rooms floating on water.

Huis Ten Bosch, a Japanese-themed bar in Sasebo that is mostly run by robots, will soon be richer for a new attraction. Floating hotel rooms that will take you to a secluded island overnight. Hotel Mizukami will open by the end of 2017.

Japanese Huis Ten Bosch is Dutch inspired theme park, which will now also offer guests overnight stay in hotel rooms floating on the water.

Huis Ten Bosch theme park.
Huis Ten Bosch theme park

On the top floor spherical capsules with 38 squares it will be bedroom, and downstairs is a bathroom with a shower. They will be decorated with large windows and panoramic glass roof, so the fear of claustrophobia is unnecessary.

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Mizukami Hotel
Mizukami Hotel

When guests board one of the capsules of the Mizukami Hotel, the room will take them to 6.5-kilometer route up to 4 hectares, for now uninhabited island, which she will reach the next morning. On the island (they will be on it many attractions) the guests will spend the whole of the next day before starting to return back to the coast in the evening.

Hotel rooms floating on water.
Hotel rooms floating on water

The attraction will be opened end of 2017, and overnight stays will have to be deducted 295 euros.

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