
Mokase - turns your phone into a portable espresso machine

There are always those moments in the day when true coffee drinkers want great coffee, and there is no nearby favorite cafe where we can quickly sip our espresso. For lovers of such pleasures, Mokase has prepared a smartphone case that solves this problem.

Loafers has made the wet dreams of the biggest coffee drinkers in the world come true, allowing them to carry their personal espresso machine to prepare their favorite beverage right in their pocket in the form of a smartphone case. Although the idea seems hair-raising at first glance, the startup wants to Loafers, who of course comes from Italy, to implement this very crazy idea. The system uses inserts for one-time use and the application with which you initiate the operation espresso machine.

It measures in thickness less than a centimeter, has its own battery and heating system based on resistors, which prepares 25 ml of invigorating drink in less than 8 seconds. In order not to be left without a cup of coffee, the bright heads prepared keychain, which instantly turns into a cup of Mokase. One espresso please!

Image gallery: Moccasins

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