
Mom is alone

Today is a day dedicated to all mothers. These are the wonderful creatures that give us life and lead us to adulthood. Mothers raise us, make us laugh and love like no one else. And that's why we dedicate this article to all mothers.

It's hard when mother's day write something that is not personal. Years ago, I wrote on my long-abandoned blog that I have a "top mom". Today I share this note with you in a slightly shortened form:

Some people are lucky to have great moms, and mine is like that.

Mom is there when you're small and nasty, Mom raises you, Mom tries to lead you on the right path with her experiences.

It's incredible that a person is able to stand behind you and support you despite your stupidity (and there are a lot of them accumulated over the decades!). You say that he is proud of you! I would have gone crazy, but mom is always there for you anyway. Whenever you need her (and even when you think she doesn't), her shoulder is there, which has been fairly washed away from all the children's tears. And that shoulder is always capable of carrying more. When you're ranty and nasty and mad at the world, she's there to listen and comfort you. But sometimes he also quite seriously says to stop exaggerating.

Every time you do something good, it fills her with pride, and she announces your success to the whole world. Because he has such good children. As if s(m)o children are inherently good. As if it is not exactly her "fault" that you are the way you are.

My mother has a special talent. When I come home and I'm in a bad mood, he comes to me and asks if something is wrong. Even if I tell her everything is fine, she can see when it's not true. And then he hugs me and for a few moments all the problems, all the anger, occasional despair disappear from the world. No matter how old you are, sometimes it helps to release your problems or just minor pressures that have been building up by talking to the one person who always, really always listens to you.

Mom never judges you based on one bad quality you have because she knows you too well and knows there are many more good ones. Mom will never turn her back on you when you need her - and even when you want to have peace, you won't have it. 🙂

Therefore, let's hug our mothers a little more often, let's tell them how great mothers they are, give them a "peck" on the cheek, a little flower just like that, for no reason. Because they're just great. And let's tell them many times how much we really love them and how much they really mean to us!

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