
Mom, Thank You for Everything: Powerful Tattoos to Dedicated to Your Mom

Mom, Thank You for Everything: Powerful Tattoos to Dedicated to Your Mom

Probably the most important thing to think about when going to get a tattoo is the idea of what the tattoo artist is presenting to you in the first place. A painting that is merely beautiful often has no content other than beauty. But if it is dedicated to mom, it takes on completely new dimensions. Every time you look at your tattoo, you will be reminded of the most important figure in your life.

Regardless, is mom still in your life or not, you cannot deny that he is a thief, dedicated especially to her, the best you can be think about it. Not only will you looking at him always reminded me of my mother, but it is a strong bond that you can 'take with you wherever you go'.

A tattoo that celebrates yours mom, is a great way to to bring together all the wonderful memories in one place and is a tribute to an unbreakable bond, which you have with her. Here's something brilliant tattoos, which you can dedicate to mom.

A sign of motherhood

Think about history and all symbols, which represent mothers and femininity – the moon, flowers, certain animals… You can get from there inspiration. Symbols can they say more than words.

Classic 'Mom Tattoo'

Hearts, flowers and birds – combined in one tattoo everything that reminds you of mom. It's a tattoo design that people go through adorned their bodies for centuries. Although today classic 'mom tattoos' are no longer in fashion, we must admit that they are real cute. With small tweaks, they can update, to get modern touch.

Her signature, name or nickname

With more you won't miss personal records – you can paint hers on the body record, which is close to your heart, name or nickname, which will always remind you on her.

Tatu something that reminds you of her

Even if the tattoo it has no direct relation to your mother's taste, you can also show your love for her by make the thief something that reminds you of her.

An important date

If you want to be more subtle, you can think of a date that is related to yours mom. You can ask her about the best days of her life do you get a date tattoo when they did something big together. Never with the date of birth you won't miss it.

A tattoo of her favorite picture


If your mom likes it art, then it makes a lot of sense a tattoo of her favorite artwork. Not only will the art be yours body looks good, but it will be even more special because it your mom likes it.

The sound of her voice


The sound of your mother's voice is probably the most interesting to a thief, that you can think of. It seemed like a while ago unbelievable, but now you can we transfer the audio recording to our body. Probably the most emotional thief will gain more stronger meaning, when you hear that you can with apps, you scan the tattoo, which turns the image into an actual audio recording. So will your mother's voice always with you.

Her portrait

Mom's image on your the body? You can't with this to miss! Or is it?

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