
Money tree: where to put it in the apartment or office for the most success, prosperity and money?!

Where to put the money tree in your home or office?!

Drevo denarja
Photo: Midjounrey

The money tree, scientifically called Crassula ovata, is more than just an ornamental plant. It is a symbol of abundance, prosperity and the constant changes that life brings. This unique plant is a living symbol of growth and change. Legend has it that a poor man asked the gods for wealth and when he returned home, he found a money tree that had suddenly grown in his garden. Since then, it has become a symbol of wealth and abundance.

The money tree, a mystical plant that has been the center of many legends and beliefs for centuries, is more than just an aesthetic addition to your space. In a world where every detail matters, the placement of this plant can be key to the harmony and well-being of your home or workspace. It's not enough to simply place it on a shelf or table; the correct placement of the money tree can bring abundance, happiness and positive energy into your life. In this discussion we will explore why the location of this plant is so important and how you can use it to make the most of its potential.

Tradition and the plant

The money tree is actually a jade plant (lat. crassula ovata). Although the plant itself cannot increase your bank balance, many believe that it brings positive vibes. These vibrations can act as a catalyst for our inner motivation, encouraging us to become a better version of ourselves, which can lead to greater achievement and financial stability.

Feng Shui and placing a money tree in your home

Feng Shui may not be part of your everyday life, but this ancient Chinese art has been a source of wisdom for many for thousands of years. According to Feng Shui tradition, the best place for a money tree is the southeast corner of your home, as this direction symbolizes wealth and abundance. Placing a money tree in this part of the home is said to bring more financial luck and success. For those who want to improve energy flow and attract wealth to their home, it is recommended to place a money tree in the hallway on the right side near the front door. In feng shui, the corridor symbolizes the path of energy, so the "money tree" in this place should enable the unhindered flow of wealth and abundance.

The money tree
Photo: Midjounrey

Optimum placement according to feng shui in any office

A money tree works best when placed in the southeast corner of an office or workspace. This corner is associated with wealth and abundance in feng shui. To place a money tree on a table or desk, place it in the southeast corner of the table.
The northern part of the room is associated with career, so placing a money tree here can be useful for accelerating career progress.

Where you shouldn't put a money tree

In the bedroom, as feng shui recommends that there are no plants in the bedroom. Directly in front of an uncovered south-facing window, as direct sunlight can damage the leaves. In rooms with low light or where the plant would be exposed to drafts.

Optimal conditions for growth

money tree
Photo: Midjounrey

The money tree needs bright but indirect sunlight. It is best to place it near a window facing south, southwest or southeast. The plant needs a stable temperature above 18°C and moderate to high humidity. If the room is dry, consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water and pebbles near the plant.

Interesting facts about the money tree?!

  • Common names: In addition to the name "money tree", this plant is often recognized as the "jade plant". In certain cultures, it is also called the "friendly plant", "lucky plant" or "silver dollar".
  • Cultural influence: The money tree symbolizes luck, prosperity and wealth in many cultures. It is not uncommon for it to be given as a sign of good wishes on special occasions, such as house parties or when starting a new business venture.
  • Traditional medicinal use: In the past, the leaves of the money tree served various medicinal purposes. Peoples such as the Khoi and other Africans used the roots of this plant as food - grated and boiled.
  • Bonsai Art: Because of its ability to develop a thick trunk and maintain a compact shape, the money tree is a popular choice for bonsai style design.
  • The money tree in the business world: Many companies practice the tradition of giving a money tree to new employees or business partners. It is a symbol of good wishes for future success and prosperity, especially in Asian countries where Feng Shui plays an important role in everyday life.


Whether you believe in the power of the money tree or not, one thing is certain: it is a beautiful plant that will add a touch of elegance and green energy to your home. So why not add it to your plant collection? But it may bring you happiness in ways you never imagined!

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