
Monospinner: a drone that spins like maple "helicopters"

Monospinner - drone with one propeller

The popularity of drones is not waning. They will soon outnumber insects in the air, so it's understandable that vendors in this increasingly crowded market are using a variety of designs to entice buyers. The Monospinner will definitely get your attention as it is equipped with a single male propeller!

Monospinner is unusual a drone that uses only one propeller to fly and one electric motor, and its steering is enabled by an innovative mechanism. Drone, under which the Zürich signed ETH Institute of Technology, passed the first tests well and has a bright future ahead of him.

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The drone does (still) need a little assistance at take off, and in the air it can be controlled like all the others. His way of flying is something special, as he flies with assistance rotation of one's own torso and at the same time reminds of spinning of maple fruits, which are also colloquially called helicopters. You can see that we are not making things up in the attached video.

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