
The more you run after him, the more pain you will cause yourself!

"We are all hungry for love, and when you are hungry, you also eat badly baked bread." – Maxim Gorky

Why are you giving him power over you? Let him go, don't run after him, with every such move you fill his ego. Why do you let him do whatever he wants? Why are you picking up his crumbs and letting him know that his behavior is perfectly fine?

He doesn't bother because he knows that you will do things for him - send a message, organize the weekend and the like. The more you serve him, the lazier he will become. He won't take the first steps anymore. He won't work for you. He will assume that you will do everything, he has obviously already done his.

But here's the problem: the more you obey him, the more you'll resent him. Right now, you may be happy that it is, but that will change once the infatuation phase ends. One day you'll start stressing about ignored messages, missed calls and canceled dates.

One day you will realize how tiring it actually is to be the one who cares more, the one who does everything for another person. One day you will realize that your relationship is unbalanced.

The more you run after him, the more pain you will cause yourself!
The more you run after him, the more pain you will cause yourself!

Sooner or later such an attitude will hurt you, you will feel insecure. He will leave you with a million questions about your worth, his intentions, and your future. You'll wonder why he doesn't invest as much time in you as you do. You'll wonder if you're doing something wrong.

When you do everything for him and run after him, you put yourself in a vulnerable position because he can also reject you. It can break your heart. He knows you will send him one or more messages if he ignores you. He knows you'll forgive him if he apologizes. He's convinced that you're not going anywhere, and meanwhile you're worried that he's going to leave, and that's not how relationships should be.

You don't want to be the only person putting effort into your relationship, trying to find solutions. You want to be with someone who likes you as much as he likes you. You deserve to be loved the way you love them.

Let go of what doesn't work. To the one who doesn't appreciate you. Love should not rest on disappointment and suffering. Love can be painful, but when you get to the point where you forget about yourself and just give to the other person, it's time to walk away.

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