
Most people take care of their houseplants wrong in winter! Are you among them?!

You don't know the difference either?!

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Photo: envato elements

Winter also brings challenges for indoor plants. Reduced light, lower temperatures and heated spaces affect their need for water. Understanding how to properly care for your green companions during this period is key to maintaining their health and beauty. Do most people take care of houseplants wrong in winter?

Are you one of those who take care of your houseplants incorrectly in winter? Growing indoor plants slows down in winter, which means they need less water than in warmer months. Excessive watering is often the cause of the collapse of plants, so it is recommended to water them with half the amount of water in winter and less often than in summer.​​​​

takes care of native plants incorrectly in winter
Photo: envato elements

Watering it also depends on the type of plant, its living environment and room temperature. For example, palms, dracaenas and ficus need watering every 10 to 14 days, while plants that bloom in winter (camellias, azaleas, cyclamen) are watered when the soil is noticed to be dry, which is usually every 2 to 3 days. ​. Most people take care of their houseplants wrong in winter!

takes care of native plants incorrectly in winter
Photo: envato elements

It is also important to consider the effect of heating and light on plants. In heated rooms where the temperature is between 20 and 24 °C, we must pay special attention to plants such as cacti and succulents, which tolerate dry and warm air better​​.

takes care of native plants incorrectly in winter
Photo: envato elements

A shortage light in winter it leads to a dormant period for most plants when they stop flowering and growing. During this time, it is recommended to limit watering and stop fertilizing until the plants start growing again​​.

takes care of native plants incorrectly in winter
Photo: envato elements

Proper care for houseplants in winter is key to maintaining their health and aesthetic value. By taking into account their specific needs in terms of watering, light and temperature, you can ensure that your plants will successfully survive the winter period and delight you all year round.

  1. Smaller and less frequent watering: Indoor plants grow more slowly in winter and do not need as much water. Water them with half the amount of water you would in spring or summer, and less often​​​​
  2. Attention to the type of plant: Different plants have different needs. For example, palms, dracaenas and ficus need watering every 10 to 14 days, while flowering plants such as camellias, azaleas and cyclamen need watering every 2 to 3 days when the soil is dry​​.
  3. Adaptation of watering to temperature and light: In heated rooms with a temperature between 20 and 24 °C, pay attention to plants that tolerate dry and warm air well, such as cacti and succulents​​. Adjust watering according to the amount of light the plants receive.
  4. Restriction of fertilization: In winter, when most plants go into a dormant period and stop flowering and growing, limit fertilization​​.
  5. Pest control: Just because it's winter doesn't mean pests are inactive. Check the plants regularly and treat them if necessary.
  6. Correct location of plants: Place plants away from direct heat sources such as radiators and move them closer to light as needed to ensure optimal growth.

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