
Mother's Day: Sentimental Gift Ideas (March 25)

What to give mom for Mother's Day (March 25)? We've come up with some ideas for sentimental, yet contemporary and modern gifts that will show our care and appreciation on Mother's Day.

You already know what you're going to give moms this year Mother's Day (March 25)? If not, we have some sentimental ideas for you!

1. Mother's Day gift: Make a collage of the drawings you drew for your mother and grandmother when you were little.

Your mother or grandmother must have saved some of your drawings that you created for them as children. Take pictures of the drawings and make a collage. Then print the collage and give your mother or grandmother the most precious piece of art.

2. Mother's Day gift: Buy her a class she's been wanting to take for a long time.

Mom must have mentioned lately what else she wants to learn - maybe speak French, dance salsa? Mother's Day is the right day to show mom that we listen to her.

3. Mother's Day gift: Make her a beauty bath mix that only she can enjoy.

You can prepare a beauty bath mixture for mom yourself - use dried rosemary, thyme, mint, the peel of one orange, the peel of one lemon, powdered milk and boiling water - and mom will come out of this fragrant beauty bath feeling reborn and above all, rested.

Beauty bath mixture.
Beauty bath mixture.

4. Mother's Day gift: Clean the apartment/house and prepare lunch instead.

We all know how great we feel in freshly cleaned rooms, fresh sheets and the enticing smell that invites us to the table. Now is the right time to thank mom by cleaning and cooking and repay them for all the effort over the years.

5. Mother's Day gift: Create a cookbook with homemade recipes and family photos.

Instead of a typical cookbook, give mom a cookbook full of family recipes and photos.

6. Mother's Day Gift: Teach her something new.

Would mom like to know better how to use a computer, maybe a phone or a tablet? Donate a few hours and share your skills. Patience will pay off.

7. Mother's Day Gift: Create a family infographic.

Mom will surely love the family infographic, where all the information about your family's favorite destinations, favorite activities, things you like the most as a family and more will be available.

8. Mother's Day Gift: Make some vouchers.

You can make vouchers for a free massage, a free tray of cookies, a free lunch or dinner, and don't forget something personal that you know your mom likes or needs.

Family infographic
Family infographic

Info Box

Slovenia is the only country that celebrates Mother's Day on March 25. Celebration mother's day became established in our country after 1991. In some others European countries Mother's Day has been celebrated since the end of the First World War. The custom of celebrating Mother's Day spread to Europe from the United States; they have been celebrating this day there since 1910.

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