
Mom, thank you for being…

Photo: envato

I don't know where to start, what to say to a person who deserves an ocean full of thanks? Mom, thank you for giving me life, for giving me my heart - and dad, of course.

Mom, thank you for believing in me even before I was born. That you persisted and gave me the opportunity that was almost taken away from me. Thank you for believing in me. I wouldn't be here today without you.

Thank you, yes, you made sacrifices throughout your life for me so that I could become - what I am.

Thank you that I could live in your tummy for nine months, that you gave up coffee, a glass of wine, because you wanted to be sure that I would be healthy. That you put up with morning sickness and labor pains.

Thank you for telling me I'm beautiful when you held me in your arms for the first time, even though I looked a little crumpled - but to you I was the most beautiful child in the world.

Thank you for every sleepless night when you waited for me, even though it didn't seem like it at the time, I was infinitely grateful to you.

Thank you for pretending to understand me even though I didn't say a word. Thank you for watching cartoons, reading picture books, playing games with me.

Mom-thank you! Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Thank you for being someone I looked up to always easy to get carried away when I was falling and scared. Thank you for holding my hand when I had to go to kindergarten and telling me that everything will be fine.

Thank you for saying that you love every drawing of mine as if it were a masterpiece. And, yes, you didn't laugh, even though my puppy looked - like a pile of something.

Thank you for letting me that I am who I am regardless of all the falls and mistakes. Thank you.

Thank you for being there when no one else was.

Thank you for giving me the advice I needed and not the advice I wanted. And she taught me that I go after what I want and what seems right to me, and that I should never give up.

Thank you for teaching me how to be a strong, independent person who knows what she wants. One that will be true to herself.

Thank you for showing me what it means to be selfless, what it is unconditional love. You taught me to respect myself and others.

I love you! Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Thank you for teaching me that no matter how many times you fall, you pick yourself up, clean up the wreckage and move on. That intelligence is more valuable than beauty and thank you for convincing me that I have both.

Thank you for supporting me in every decision, even if they are not always the best, and for never loving me less because of it. Thank you for allowing me to follow my dreams and for being there for me when they fell apart.

Thank you for loving me, even when I'm terrible - when I don't want to admit - that you're right - you, not me.

Thank you for being and always will be, my safe place that you are always there for me. Even when the whole world turns against me, you are - on my side.

Thank you for being me, I love you even though I don't tell you this often enough. Thank you for everything!

Thank you for being, what you are - my mother.

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