We all have bad days now and then. Moments when it seems that nothing is going the way we want. Then we would prefer to lie in bed with a sheet over our heads and wait for that day or time to end.
Don't close your eyes, but rather remind yourself that life is beautiful. Remember all the good times you experienced. Be proud of yourself, of everything you have already achieved. And above all, be happy because you are here and now. Live and heal!
Bad days come and go, that's a fact, and when they're here, that's when you need something to get you out of bed.
Perhaps one of the insights below will help you.
1. You will cherish your fond memories without wishing you could relive them again.
You don't want to go back to that time. Sometimes the people who helped you in the past are no longer on the same energy as they were then. Sometimes you are meant to move on without the people and places that shaped you. Even though it only hurts, you can't stay in the same place forever. Once you outgrow your surroundings, the only way you can grow and shape yourself is to move forward.
2. You don't give yourself enough credit.
You've been lucky at times in life, but mostly it's all down to you. You made new friends, met a person to whom you entrusted your dreams. You got the job you wanted. You directed your thoughts in the right direction and believed in them. You have welcomed success with open arms. Even though you're not feeling well right now, you haven't lost touch with any of it. You will rediscover happiness. It's always within your reach. Just look at it from behind your dark glasses.
3. You never know what's around the corner.
Think of all the wonderful things that have happened to you in the past, all the little moments that you never expected and that came out of nowhere. Throughout life, many opportunities came your way that surprised you, but you took advantage of them. You still will. You cannot predict where this life will lead you. Believe in yourself and in your dreams, which will take you exactly where you want to go.
4. Growth requires you to sacrifice your past self.
If you want to progress, if you want to grow and change into the best version of yourself - you have to say goodbye to the person you were. You need to reevaluate your goals and adjust your priorities. You need to make sure you are on the right path to create a life where your heart and soul feel full and happy again. In order to achieve your dreams, however, you will have to give up some old dreams and expectations. You may have to sacrifice things you once thought you couldn't live without—and that's okay. It's part of growing up.
5. A different life does not mean a worse life.
In your thirties, you may not have the same friendships you had in your teens. Maybe you're moving, changing careers, or breaking up with your first true love—but there's nothing wrong with change. Even though your old life was beautiful, that doesn't stop your current life from being brand new. Different. Even better. Different paths can lead you to the same end result - success, love and happiness.
6. You have potential that you don't see.
How could your best days be over if you know so much more today than you did yesterday? You are growing every day. You are on your way to becoming the person you always wanted to be. Even though you feel depressed, lonely, sad now, your future is not as scary as you think. You will achieve so many wonderful things. Believe in yourself!