
Movie gem from “The Wolf of Wall Street”: Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary at auction

Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary
Photo: bonhams.com

In the world of classic cars, there are few vehicles that can boast such heritage and recognition as the Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary, especially the one that played a role in the hit movie The Wolf of Wall Street. This car is not only iconic for its design and performance, but also for its role in cinematic history. Recently, this precious piece of automotive and film history hit the auction stage, garnering interest from collectors and car enthusiasts from around the world.

Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary, which was in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street” presented as a symbol of luxury and excess, will be auctioned. This particular model is a 1989 25th Anniversary Edition that has attracted a lot of attention from collectors due to its unique design and its role in the film Martin Scorsese. Since its introduction in the 1970s, the Lamborghini Countach has been considered one of the most recognizable supercars in the world, and this particular example is even more prized thanks to its cinematic history.

Photo: bonhams.com

The auction was held at the renowned Bonhams auction house, where the car attracted a lot of interest. Collectors and car enthusiasts followed the event with interest, as it was a unique opportunity to acquire a piece of automotive and film history. Although some sources were misinformed about the auction organizer and location, the auction was a major event that resonated in the classic car world.

Photo: bonhams.com
Photo: bonhams.com

Estimated price for Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary, who was a star in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street", was set between 1.5 and 2 million US dollars. This wide rating reflects both the car's rarity and historical importance, as well as its popularity among collectors and car enthusiasts. Especially because of its iconic design, prestigious history and recognizable role in the film industry, this Lamborghini Countach model has become one of the most desirable classic cars. The high-profile price placed on this vehicle not only highlights its value, but also the growing interest in classic cars that have a rich history and heritage.

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