
Movie news: Terminator - Genisys

As he promised. "I'll be back". The Terminator is coming back. Similar to Batman - in trilogy form. The first film is expected already in June next year, and the sequels in May 2017 or June 2018. After we missed him from flesh and blood, sorry, circuits, in the top four (he was a computer animation), Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in the top five.

Studio Paramount Pictures he undertook the renovation franchise, a sort of secular version of biblical spectacles, where the baton, sorry, engine room, again wielded by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger, the killing machine of the future, to which he lent his stature in three films (1984, 1991, 2003), but in the last portion (2008), instead of testosterone, he was served to us in digital version. They will join him on screen Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen v Game of Thrones), Jason Clarke (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), Matt Smith (star of Doctor Who) and Jai Courtney (I, Frankenstein).

Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor.
Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor.

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If future bright for the franchise and will try to rise from the ashes that the last part turned it into, but we can't (yet) say that for humanity, because so far not even the skeleton of the story is known, but that's why Schwarzenegger himself threw us something bones to gnaw on: "The character is written in such a way that it is basically a machine, a metal skeleton over which human flesh is connected. Also Terminator meat ages like that of human origin. Maybe not that fast, but it sure does. There will be a lot in the movie time travel, so we will be able to see the younger version as well the cyborg T-800. Then they will reprogram this model, there will be many twists and turns,…”

The film was directed by Alan Taylor, who has already signed on for Thor: The Dark World and series such as Game of Thrones and The Sopranos.
The film was directed by Alan Taylor, who has already signed on for Thor: The Dark World and series such as Game of Thrones and The Sopranos.

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Action, SF
Terminator: Genisys
(Terminator: Genisys, USA, 2015)

Directed by: Alan Taylor. They play: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke, Matt Smith, Jai Courtney.

In cinemas from in June 2015.

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