
The 3 Biggest Dangers of Artificial Intelligence: Will Our Electronic Assistants Become Masters?

Photo: Midjourney

Humanity has faced many dangers throughout its history. We are constantly threatened by asteroids that wiped out the dinosaurs and viruses responsible for mass murder. But now we're on the brink of a new chapter powered by artificial intelligence (UI). Despite all the excitement that comes with UI, we also need to look at the darker side of this new technology. So, join us on an exciting journey through a world where robots are more dangerous than dinosaurs!

Challenge number one: UI with a will of its own

Any sci-fi story will teach you that when robots take over, humans lose. Well, that doesn't happen in real life - yet. The fear of uncontrolled artificial intelligence is not just a figment of the writer's imagination. Professor David Krueger from the University of Cambridge highlighted this potential threat. And no, he's not a member of the Alliance of Scientists Against Robots. It just points out that the military could use AI to develop autonomous weapons. Imagine drones that don't need a pilot. Robots that fight instead of soldiers. Yeah, it really does sound like a bad sci-fi story, doesn't it?

artificial intelligence
Photo: Midjourney

Challenge number two: Will we all be unemployed?

Imagine a world where your boss is a robot. No, seriously. Abhishek Gupta, founder of the UI Institute in Montreal, warned of the potential mass unemployment that UI could bring. Just think of all the taxi drivers that can be replaced by self-driving cars. Or to all traders who can be replaced by online trading algorithms. Scared? Don't panic! It is also necessary to take into account that in the past, with each technological revolution, new jobs were also created. So yes, we may not all be working for robots - some of us will be able to work with them!

Challenge number three: Biased bots

Despite being programmed to be impartial, bots still depend on human input. Bias can creep back into their algorithms if that data is one-sided. Just like if your only sources of information were the tabloids. Research shows that most of the current UI trains based on data from English-speaking areas. You can imagine how this can lead to bias and exclude anyone who doesn't speak that language.

Welcome to our new, robocentric world where there is a balance between excitement and fear. While challenges such as autonomous military weapons, mass unemployment, and biased UI are serious, the opportunities for innovation and progress are also enormous.

Man is the master of his own destiny - and we hope that this will also be true of our digital creations. With artificial intelligence, we are entering a new era of humanity. Let's hold hands (or steel claws if you're a robot) and take this step together safely and responsibly. Ready for a thrilling ride?

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