Special effects are ubiquitous in today's movies, but while we are aware of the use of computer animation by film studios, the extent of special effects will surprise you. The matter has already gone so far that part of the Hollywood fraternity is calling on the Academy to introduce a special Oscar category for films without special effects, i.e. without post-production magic, with which only the sky is the limit. See the film's most interesting scenes before and after the special effects were added.
Many movie is "hairstyled" today in post-production. 100% organic production is a real rarity these days, although more and more directors are returning to their roots. Computer animation namely, it allows everything. The laws of physics are forgotten, so many filmmakers are honestly carried away. But most of us like it. Although they are unrealistic scenes, we enjoy scenes that were entirely created in a film studio in front of a green background.
READ MORE: Movie scenes inspired by artistic paintings
We watched famous movie scenes with interest before and after special effects are added and we believe you will be too.