
Movie scenes inspired by artistic paintings

Movie scenes and art pictures

Did you know that many movie scenes were inspired by famous art paintings? That Francis Bacon's painting inspired Christopher Nolan to create the Joker in The Dark Knight? Or is Ophelia painting a scene in Lars von Trier's Melancholia? Many famous film scenes and costumes that you came across are actually the director's tribute to the art of painting! See movie scenes inspired by art paintings.

Filmmakers they turn to all ends for inspiration. Some rely on their own imagination, others create according to book templates, others draw from history, and because many directors are great art lovers, they are also often inspired by the scenes of artistic paintings.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: Criminal Minds (2016)

These scenes from Django Unchained were inspired by a painting by Thomas Gainsborough called The Blue Boy.
These scenes from Django Unchained were inspired by a painting by Thomas Gainsborough called The Blue Boy.

Check out the movie scenes that inspired them artistic pictures.

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