
Movie Trailer: Cruella (2021)

The first trailer for Disney's Cruella (2021) is out and it looks fantastic. In the story of the origin of Cruella de Vil, the villain from 101 Dalmatians, Disney takes us to England, back to the 1970s, where we meet the young Cruella.

In the movie Cruella (2021) can be seen in the title Emma Stone, who plays a young Cruella, a girl who hasn't quite honed in on her nefarious intentions but is already showing signs of a fur-obsessed villain.

Emma Stone as Cruella (2021)

The trailer for the film is much darker than you might expect – at least at first glance, Disney has doubled down on the character. In fact, the whole tone is very "Joker", which also applies to the slogan: “Brilliant. Bad. A little bit mad.” (Brilliant. Badass. A little crazy.) And for the costume design, it seems like they found inspiration from DC, this time from Harley Quinn. Considering that Disney owns Marvel, that's a bit bold.

Disney Reveals Estimated Release Date for Cruella (2021) May 28, 2021, which also stars Emma Thompson and Mark Strog. He is in the producer Glenn Close, who played Cruella in the 1990 remake.

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