A Family Without Brakes (À fond) is a breakneck comedy from the director of the film All South, about a French family that finds itself trapped in a minivan, whose cruise control electronics block it on the highway at a speed of 130 km/h. To make the situation even worse, they rush towards a standing column of vehicles...
Family without brakes (À fond) is a French comedy Nicolas Benamou about a family that to avoid the summer rush hour go on vacation already at night or early in the morning. And driving in a new minivan turns into a nightmare after they experience failure of the speed control electronics and without the possibility of braking they are running on the highway.
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All attempts to stop are futile, so they call for help. Uncontrolled car, six family members on the verge of a nervous breakdown and the traffic jam that awaits them in 200 kilometers, is a recipe that promises great fun and will definitely have you riveted to your seats.
Gallery - highlights from the film Family Without Brakes (À fond):
Family without brakes
(À fond, France, Macedonia, 2016)
Direction: Nicolas Benamou. They play: José Garcia, André Dussollier, Caroline Vigneaux, Josephine Callies, Stylane Lecaille.
In the cinema from January 19, 2017.