
Movie Trailer: Inferno (2016)

Movie Inferno (2016)

This Inferno is not Vinko Möderndorfer's 2014 drama, but the third film following The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons to follow cryptologist Robert Langdon (played by two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks). It is the third film adaptation of Dan Brown's bestseller, which caused a real euphoria a decade ago with The Da Vinci Code. Although enthusiasm for the series has since died down, the film industry is persevering, and here is the first trailer for the third chapter of the most controversial film series of the 21st century.

The movie Inferno is based on the bestseller of the same name Dan Brown, in which we will follow the character of the Harvard expert for the third time Robert Langdon, which he also portrayed this time Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump, Shipwreck, The Terminal). It is a sequel to the movie Angels and demons, and a renowned director took the director's baton again Ron Howard (The Da Vinci Code, A Wonderful Mind, The Race of Life).

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source: Continental film
Tom Hanks and Felicity Jones in Inferno.

This time, Langdon wakes up in a hospital in Florence with memory, blank as a white sheet of paper. His memory gradually returns, and during this time he realizes that he is in mortal danger. Dr. comes to his aid. Sienna Brooks (Felicity Jones, Star Wars – Rogue One, The Theory of Everything), with which they are on the trail of a mysterious man (Ben Foster, Sole Survivor, Warcraft: The Beginning) that draws its inspiration from Dante's Divine Comedy and has diabolical plans for the world. They still keep Hanks company Irrfan Khan (Poor Millionaire, Jurassic World) and Omar Sy (Jurassic World).

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(USA, 2016)

Direction: Ron Howard. They play: Tom Hanks, Felicity Jones, Omar Sy, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Ben Foster, Irrfan Khan, Sidse Babett Knudsen.

In the cinema from October 14, 2016.

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