Inside Out is a new animated feature from Pixar about the lovable Riley, who finds growing up, usually stressful for both children and their parents, not going well. Behind everything is a move from a rural environment to lively San Francisco, where her father got a new job and where "strange" thoughts start to pop into her head. And it is here that a large part of the cartoon takes place. In the head, in the mind, governed by five emotions: Joy, Fear, Anger, Displeasure and Sadness.
When children reach a certain age, all the questions of the parents are "stupid". Parents therefore try to find out - some more, others less successfully - what's going on in their heads. With this, they try to understand them and confront them. Our mind is certainly an intriguing matter and Pixar he gave him faces. Faces, which represent emotions, which guide us through life.
Five of the above-mentioned (see picture) thus tempts Riley lead through a difficult period, but because the change of living environment the little girl can't get used to it, opinions start forming in her head, or in the general staff, as they call it at Pixar.
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Although her strongest emotion, Joy, makes every effort to preserve it positive outlook on the world, other emotions do not share the same opinion. Yes, that's them internal battles, which we know and which we will finally be able to meet.
It's coming to cinemas June 19, 2015.