The biographical comedy-drama Joy is a mini-anniversary for the Silver Linings Playbook team, as director David O. Russell, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro reunite. The story of a family spanning four generations centers on Joy Mongano, a single mother of three who invented the Miracle Mop sponge.
"Never think the world owes you anything." is one of the strongest quotes of the trailer for the biographical feature Joy, which focuses on Joy Mongano, inventor floor wiper Miracle Mop and special ones Huggable Hanger. The first invention catapulted her to one of the most successful American businesswomen and when she started her own company Ingenious Designs later sold to the company Home Shipping Network, but remained its president and created a real entrepreneurial venture dynasty.
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Joy is a story about betrayal, the loss of innocence and the scars of love, and the title character is played by an Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence. Bradley Cooper is the boss of Home Shipping Network, Robert De Niro but this time he is Lawrence's movie father and not Cooper's. The film, which we will be able to see for the first time for Christmas, somehow does not overlook Joy's ex-husband, who plays him Edgar Ramírez.
Biographical drama/comedy
(USA, 2015)
Direction: David O. Russell. They play: Jennifer Lawrence, Isabella Crovetti-Cramp, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Édgar Ramírez, Elisabeth Röhm, Dascha Polanco as Jackie, Joy's best friend, Isabella Rossellini, Diane Ladd, Virginia Madsen.
In the cinema from December 25, 2015.