
Movie Trailer: Leatherface (2017)

The movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre stunned the world in 1974. It was also followed by many sequels and reboots of the franchise. An interesting fact is that the still young Matthew McConaughey appeared in one of them. After 43 years, we will also get a prequel to the franchise, namely in the movie Leatherface.

V prequels to the Texas Motorcycle Massacre four violent teenagers who escape from a psychiatric hospital are kidnapped a young nurse and they take her on a journey through hell. They are pursued by no less madmen representative of the law, who is driven by a thirst for revenge, and one of the four teenagers they are waiting for an agonizing tragedyand atrocities that will forever mark his mind and shape him into the monster we know today as Leather face.

We will get to know the origin story of Leatherface.
We will get to know the origin story of Leatherface.

As an interesting point, it is also worth noting that this the last movie, produced by the recently deceased director Tobe Hooper, who became famous precisely with the first film from 1974.

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A horror movie
Leather face
(Leatherface, 2017, USA)

Direction: Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury. They play: Lili Taylor, Stephen Dorff, Nicole Andrews, Sam Strike, Lorina Kamburova, Vanessa Grasse.

In the cinema from October 12 (Cineplexx, Colosseum).

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