
Movie trailer: Life (2017)

Movie Life (2017)

Life is a sci-fi thriller about a space mission (not to be confused with the 2015 biographical drama of the same name starring Robert Pattison) that has the honor of studying the first signs of extraterrestrial life discovered on Mars aboard the International Space Station. But what at first seems like a revolutionary discovery turns into a battle for life high above home. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds and is directed by Daniel Espinosa.

The movie Life Daniela Espinose (Safe House, Child 44) takes us to The International Space Station (MVP), where Jake Gyllenhaal (Mount Brockerback, Kidnapped, The Last Detour, Southpaw), Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool, Green Lantern, Buried, Swapped) and the gang face off with an extraterrestrial organism, which is the first evidence of life beyond Earth.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds in Life.
Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds in Life.

It is the basis of the trailer speech by former US President John F. Kennedy from 1962 at Rice University, when he presented the United States with an extraordinary challenge. Send the first man to the moon within ten years.

READ MORE: Movie trailer: Logan (2017)

A revolutionary discovery from Mars quickly devolves into a battle for the lives of MVP's six-man crew after a microscopic organism that turns out to be quite more intelligent than they first assumed, attacks and instantly kills the scientist.

Gallery - highlights from the movie Life (2017):

Info Box

Science fiction thriller
(USA, 2017)

Direction: Daniel Espinosa. They play: Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, Rebecca Ferguson, Olga Dihovichnaya, Ariyon Bakare, Hiroyuki Sanada.

In the cinema from May 24, 2017.

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