
Movie trailer: Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben (2017)

My Blind Date With Life (2017)

Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben (Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben) is a German film based on the incredible true story of a young man who does not allow his vision impairment to destroy his dreams.

My Blind Date with Life (Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben) is a true story about a promising student (Kostya Ullmann), who as a teenager he almost goes blind, but he does not accept his fate and does not listen to those who tell him to give up his dreams.

source: 2i Film
Sali, Laura and her son.

Because he doesn't mention his low vision to anyone, he gets a job as an intern in the most prestigious hotel in Munich. His colleague Max was the first to notice this (Jacob Matschenz), which does not betray him and helps him to perform his work without errors. His love begins to fall apart when he falls in love with Laura (Anna Maria Mühe).

READ MORE: Movie trailer: Voice from the Stone (2017)

An inspiring story about an enthusiastic young man, filled with many humorous elements, was brought to the screen by the director Marc Rothemund.

Gallery - highlights from the movie My Blind Date with Life (2017):

Info Box

Comedy, drama, biography
My blind date with life
(Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben, Germany, 2017)

Direction: Marc Rothemund. They play: Kostja Ullmann, Jacob Matschen, Anna Maria Muhe, Johann von Bulow, Nilam Farooq, Sylvan, Krappatsch, Alexander Held, Kida Khodr Ramadan.

In the cinema from March 30, 2017.

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