
Movie trailer: Prityazhenie (Attraction, 2017)

Russian movie Attraction (2017)

Film Attraction or Prityazhenie, as the original title is, is proof that the Russians also know how to shoot high-budget sci-fi spectacles with Hollywood-worthy special effects. It's about an invasion of Aliens who land outside of American territory for a change.

Attraction or Prityazhenie it is action sci-fi spectacle, behind which stands the production company Sony Pictures Russia. Although it is a familiar story - it crashes to Earth spacecraft and the battle for Earth begins - but Attraction is a real revival of the genre, which in recent years has been dominated by Marvel and DC films and Transformers films.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: The Belko Experiment (2016)

The Russians threw down the gauntlet to Hollywood.
The Russians threw down the gauntlet to Hollywood.

In the movie Fedor Bondarchuk (Stalingrad, Obitaemyy ostrov 1 and 2) perform Oleg Menshikov, Alexander Petrov, Rinal Mukhametov and Irina Starshenbaum.

Gallery - scenes from the movie Attraction (Prityazhenie):

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Action science fiction spectacle
(Attraction, Russia, 2017)
Direction: Fedor Bondarchuk. They play: Oleg Menshikov, Alexander Petrov, Rinal Mukhametov, Irina Starshenbaum.

In the cinema from January 26, 2016.

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