The film franchise Resident Evil, the most successful franchise based on video games of all time, returns in the sixth installment entitled Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (Invisible Evil: The Final Chapter), in which we will be able to follow the fearless warrior Alice for the last time, who will played for the sixth time by Milla Jovovich, the queen of action movies, and who has been killing ass or, better, massacring zombies in every possible way since 2002, when the first part of this action sci-fi horror movie, based on the computer game series of the same name, was released. It is the last chapter, over which Paul WS Anderson (Death Race, Pompeii, Bloody Horizon) watched over again this time.
It's been 14 years since Alice kicked an immortal dog in the head in slow motion, but fans of the show are still hungry for her showdowns with the monsters that have been her regulars since 2002. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is sixth and also The last part of the of this feature film, i.e. a film based on a video game.
It is one of the few franchises of its kind that has managed to do so a successful leap from a computer game to the big screen, which had a rather unsuccessful start in 1993 with the Super Mario Bros and Street Fighter movies, and directors still have great problems with film adaptations of games today, and few of them live up to expectations.
This rare gem is the Invisible Evil series, which have their own (Olympic) pool of loyal fans, but now it's time for the last supper, once again served by the immortal Milla Jovovich. The film continues where the fifth part left us, that is The Invisible Evil: Revenge (2012). He returned to the director's chair again Paul WS Anderson, which is one of the main culprits of the said franchise being the most successful feature film franchise of all time, which has already earned over a billion US dollars.
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In The Invisible Evil: The Final Chapter, we return to where it all began - in Raccoon City, where Dežnik corporation gathers forces to deal the death blow to the remaining survivors of the apocalypse. What will be the concluding act of Anderson's adaptation of Capcom zombie shooting games, we will find out January 2017. Will Alice bring down the Umbrella and then finally be able to take a well-deserved rest? That being said, 2017 is going to be a great year for horror and action fans, but the fact is that no one does zombies quite like Alice, so we're already happy and sad at the same time that it's the last installment. Yes, all good (or evil) comes to an end.
Scenes from The Invisible Evil: The Final Chapter:
Action sci-fi horror
The Invisible Evil: The Final Chapter
(Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, UK, Canada, Germany, 2017)
Direction: Paul WS Anderson. They play: Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Shawn Roberts, Ruby Rose, Eoin Macken, Rola, Lee Joon-Gi, William Levy and Iain Glen.
In the cinema from January 27, 2017.