Song to Song is a romantic drama directed by Terrence Malick, starring Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett and Ryan Gosling, who returned to the piano after La La Land. in contrast to the mentioned film, which takes place in the 1950s, the film Song to Song is set in the present day, more precisely in the American Austin (Texas), and in it Gosling, who recently sang with Emma Stone, once again alongside he also shows acting and musical and singing talent.
In the latest movie Terrence Malick (Tree of Life, Knight of Cups, The Thin Red Line), his third in three years, Ryan Gosling (Land of La La, Drive!) and Rooney Mara (Carol, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) play indie rockers in love while he is Michael Fassbender (Prometheus, Shame) a handsome music mogul who seduces the waitress he plays Natalie Portman (Jackie, Black Swan). A love triangle develops between the actors.
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The film was partially shot during a music festival Austin City Limits 2012, in which they appear briefly Red Hot Chili Peppers and Iggy Pop, but also should Arcade Fire, Patti Smith, John Lydon, Florence & the Machine and Iron & Wine. From well-known players, a few minutes or seconds on the screen also get Christian Bale, Benicio Del Toro, Val Kilmer and Haley Bennett. In the background of the trailer we hear a famous song Runaway (Part of Shannon) from 1961.
Song to Song
(USA, 2017)
Direction: Terrence Malick. They play: Ryan Gosling, Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett.
In the cinema from March 17, 2017.