Absolutely Fabulous, an extremely popular British comedy series that delighted TV viewers for as many as twenty years or 48 episodes, it's back, this time as a movie. It also brings back its main stars, Edina (Jennifer Saunders) and Petsy (Joanna Lumley), cut-throat ladies who spend their money on champagne, drugs and a life of luxury. But then something unexpected happens.
The movie Absolutely Fabulous is based on the 20-year-old BBC comedy series of the same name (1992-2012). It also features a dynamic duo, the extravagant ones Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley as Edina and Patsy, and they will be accompanied by many handsome men and women, including a former pharmacist Emma Bunton, and starlets will also play minor roles Kim Kardashian, models Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne, fashion designer Stella McCartney and an actress Rebel Wilson.
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Edina and Patsy also in the film, they taste the delights of a luxurious life, but then an unfortunate event forces them to naked and barefoot (read: penniless) off to the French Riviera. But as you'll see in the teaser trailer, they're fine. Sipping cocktails cannot be placed in this category. She directed the film Mandie Fletcher (Black adder).