
Movie Trailer: The Emoji Movie (2017)

James Corden

Already in the second half of August, the animated comedy The Emoji Movie (2017) is coming to our cinemas, which will make the young and the young at heart laugh.

The main character of the film The Emoji Movie (2017) it is Gene, a happy emoji that born without a filter, due to which it can express the current mood in different ways. To become as common as other emojis, Gene enlists the help of a resourceful bestie friend Petka and a famous decryption master Burglar. Together they embark on an exciting journey through phone apps to source code found, which could be used to fix Gena. But when the phone itself is threatened by a significantly greater danger, the fate of all emojis will depend on a trio of unusual heroes who will have to save their world from hostile erasure.


An interesting fact

Emoji fans around the world decided to do something unusual: sign up into the famous Guinness Book of Records in the simultaneous participation of the largest number of people, dressed in emojis, at rallies in various venues around the world. Emoji lovers from as many as three continents dressed up as characters from the movie, and set a record with joint initiatives in Dubai, Moscow, London, Dublin and Sao Paulo, where hundreds of enthusiasts gathered to participate in this unique event. In addition to the mentioned cities, many other countries also supported the event; more than a thousand emojis that were not directly related to the record joined the initiative.

Emoji MEH
Emoji MEH

There is less than a month until the arrival of the animated hit The Emoji Movie, and until then we can enjoy photos from the movie and extremely entertaining movie trailer.

Gallery: The Emoji Movie (2017)

Info Box

Animated comedy
A movie about emojis (The Emoji Movie, 2017)
(2017, USA)

Direction: Tony Leondis. Votes: James Corden, Maya Rudolph, Steven Wright, Jennifer Coolidge.

In the cinema from August 17.

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