
Movies about self-isolation you need to watch, well, in isolation!

Wedge with wedge!

There will be something for every taste, so curl up on the sofas, prepare your favorite snack or drink and indulge in the movies.

A psychological thriller

Panic Room (2002)

David Fincher's incredible thriller with the brilliant Jodie Foster, whose character is forced to take refuge in a secret room when three men break into her home.

Adventure drama

Cast Away (2000)

This list wouldn't make sense if it didn't include a person who is himself in isolation due to the coronavirus infection. Tom Hanks has always been a favorite and hero of the audience, and in this modern version of Robinson Crusoe, he deftly proves that he is incredibly talented.

Psychological horror

The Shining (1980)

Perhaps the best horror film of all time and a perfect account of the madness of one man and his family. After watching this cult film for the first time, you'll be dreaming about Jack Nicholson and the twins for a few more nights.


The Terminal (2004)

Tom Hanks again, this time in the role of an isolationist at the airport, in a borderless space, in the role of a citizen of a country that has ceased to exist.

Adventure drama

All Is Lost (2013)

One of Robert Redford's last and perhaps even best roles, playing a man lost at sea. A real gem in the flood of movies about isolation.

Comedy drama

Life is beautiful (La vita è bella, 1997)

A film that finds hope in hopelessness and reminds us that when we really care about someone, we are ready to do anything to keep the rose-colored glasses on them. Love definitely makes the world go round!

A sci-fi horror film

Cube (Cube, 1997)

Six strangers are locked in a cube, which is actually a labyrinth full of deadly traps. A simple and psychologically very disturbing film.

Science fiction drama

The Martian (2015)

The story of a man stranded alone on Mars, forced to cross a lot of hot Martian red sand so that an expedition can pick him up and save his life. Matt Damon is brilliant, as is the film's director, Ridley Scott.

A biographical drama about survival

127 Hours (2010)

127 hours of the life of mountaineer Aron Ralston, who encounters a problem while conquering one of the peaks that could cost him his life. A story about the importance of courage and mental and physical strength.

Adventure drama

Wild (2014)

The film is based on the novel by Cheryl Strayed. It is filmed in true American style and shows the redemption of the main character played by Reese Witherspoon. A film about self-discovery by walking in solitude, with which he wants to heal and win over the past.

Sci-fi romantic drama

Her (Her, 2013)

An incredible story about a lonely man, brilliantly portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix, and his love for an operating system voiced by Scarlett Johansson. With this film, director Spike Jonze proved himself to be a master of modern cinema.

Romantic comedy drama

Lars has a girlfriend (Lars and the Real Girl, 2007)

Ryan Gosling plays Lars, a man who doesn't like contact with other people, but still misses closeness. Therefore, he develops a relationship with Bianca, an adult doll, which he presents to the family as his girlfriend. A quirky comedy with incredible warmth.

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