
A multifunctional wooden cabin on the coast of Norway

Multifunctional wooden cabin

A multi-functional wooden cabin on the coast of Norway that has brought a touch of the modern and progressive to an ancient fishing village is one of those architectural marvels that have the power to transform the area where they stand.

Kleivan is a small island town on one of the pearls of Norway - Lofoten. Located north of the Arctic Circle, it acts as a small fishing village, consisting of only a few small houses scattered along the mystical coast. Three of them date back to the long-ago year 1800 and are thus of historical importance, as they represent an architectural cultural heritage that will probably never exist again in this kind of way.

Architecture students of the University of Oslo, who participate in the school studio as part of their studies Scarcity and Creativity Studio (SCS), had the honor of renovating one of these buildings. A multifunctional facility was created that brings life back to the pier, as it connects people and serves as a pleasant excursion point for both locals and tourists. The cottage, which stretches along the coast with a wooden platform, offers visitors an area for fishing, cleaning fish, socializing and resting, and there is also a sauna in the cottage.

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