
Muscles are a thing of the past: women admit that men with extra pounds are more attractive to them

Dad's calves or "dad bod" are obviously the hottest commodity. To explain (although you probably already know): these are men who have some extra weight around their stomachs, and it is precisely these men who, according to research, are the most attractive to women. Good news for boyfriends and husbands who like pizza and beer and devote their free time to something other than fitness.

According to the by Richard Bribiscas, professor of anthropology at Yale, are older men with a few extra pounds and children are the most attractive to women. Children allude to increased sexual ability and virility, but which throughout history has proven to be a vital male biological trait.

In Bribiescas's book How Men Age: What Evolution Reveals About Male Health and Mortality, it is stated, among other things, that those extra pounds gained during fatherhood, which men gain due to decreasing testosterone levels, they prolong life and strengthen the immune system. According to the Telegraph there is even evidence that fatter fathers have a lower chance of heart attack and prostate cancer.


It is hard to say that all of the above is true, but it is certainly positive that it is give a point socially acceptable. And this despite the fact that there are quite a few a pronounced double standard between men and women, when the latter are expected to be in their best shape again immediately after the birth of a child.

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