
The Musical: Mamma Mia! – Ljubljana – Križanke

The first summer evenings will take place in Ljubljana's Križanke from June 15 to 19 to the sounds of the famous band ABBA, taking us into a romantic story in a Greek atmosphere. The musical Mamma Mia is coming!

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25 and 29 euros

A romantic comedy story Mamma Mia we all know well: Donna is an independent single mother who has not needed a man in her life for some time, her daughter Sophia but he dreams romantic dreams of a big wedding, children and a fairy tale for the rest of his life. Of course, she wants to find out from her mother who her father is, so that he can accompany her to the altar. Feminine cunning, Greek sun and summer atmosphere accompany the group's eternal musical classics ABBA combination, who made sure that she did the musical Mamma Mia since its premiere in 1999, more than 54 million people have seen it in more than 40 countries and 170 cities around the world, and within the framework of the Ljubljana Festival in the rhythms of ABBA now brought also the Križanka from Ljubljana.

READ MORE: Music Festival - Ljubljana - a day dedicated only to music

He took care of the translation and arrangement of 23 songs into Slovenian Tomaž Domicelj, a large part of the 40-member cast preparing the musical, participated already a few months ago, when the musical was staged in Belgrade, where it experienced tremendous success. He will take care of the direction Jug Radivojević, which will be presented in Slovenia for the first time with this project, and she is in charge of the choreography Mojca Horvat, which plans the overall performance to be slightly more ambitious than what can be seen on Broadway and the West End. The musical director is the experienced Patrik Greblo, and Alenka Godec, Simona Vodopivec Franko, Damjana Golavšek, Lea Bartha, Gojmir Lešnjak – Gojc, Uroš Smolej, Marjan Bunič and Matjaž Kumelj will perform in the title roles. He also works as a creative consultant with the musical team Branko Đurić – Đuro.

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