
Why do dogs enjoy driving fast?

Dogs enjoying the ride

Dogs are funny creatures. When we open the car door, they tuck their tails between their legs and there's no way in hell they'll get into the car voluntarily. But the story changes completely when (finally safe in the back seat of the car) they put their muzzle through the window. Here are photos of dogs that enjoy driving fast.

Although it seems that dogs they don't like driving, because they are terribly afraid get into the car, the story changes once they are safely in the car, as they are extremely fond of poking their heads out of the car window. Are you wondering why? Experts and scientists who study dogs and their behavior say that this has to do with their extraordinary sense of smell. For dogs, driving fast represents "all-you-can-eat” offer smells, full of interesting information about the world around them… Check out the photos of dogs praying their muzzles through the back window of a car and they are a great example total pleasure.

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