
“My precious”: The Lord of the Rings series is coming

The popular series Game of Thrones is saying goodbye this year. However, her fans can breathe a little, because a series in which they will meet the heroes from The Lord of the Rings is coming to the screens soon.

Recording a new one Amazon series, which focuses on events before the start of the legendary Lord of the Rings film trilogy, should be in August started on Scotland. Having said that, it is worth noting that all three films were shot entirely in New Zealand.

That Amazon is serious about the new series is evidenced by the fact that it will have an incredible budget billions of dollars. This means that she will go down in the record books as the most expensive series in television history. The creators will just have to 250 million dollars deducted from the body Tolkien Estate, which manages the estate of the famous writer JRR Tolkien.

She should try herself as a screenwriter Patrick McKay and John D. Payne. If everything goes according to expectations, the series will be released in 2021. For now, we can trust you that the story will the island of Numenor took place in The second century of the Middle World.

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