
Baba Vanga predicts events for 2018 that will change the world

The blind Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga has always been something special. Before she died in 1996, she predicted events up to the 51st century, when the universe would end.

People believe that Baba, 'Balkan Nostradamus', predicted correctly September 11, 2001, the rise of ISIS and the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which claimed more than 220 thousand victims.
In 2018, according to her predictions, we should face events that will change the world. These are, for example, a prediction that it will be China has become a world superpower and overshadowed the US, and the prediction that we will found a new source of energy on Venus.

What does Baba Vanga predict for 2018?
What does Baba Vanga predict for 2018?

Depending on the angle or perspective from which you look at her predictions, perhaps both could actually come true, if they haven't already. July 2018 it should NASA launches the Parker Solar Probe, named after astrophysicist Eugene Parker. The robotic spacecraft's mission is to probe the outer Sun's atmosphere with the help of Venus's gravitational pull, studying the solar wind and the energy that heats the Sun's plasma. That could mean it would humanity could actually find a new source of energy.

Will Venus provide a new source of energy?
Will Venus provide a new source of energy?

And the second prediction? Two years ago, the research team The Conference Board estimated that China's contribution will be to world GDP by 2018 exceeded that contributed by the US. China's economy has grown significantly in recent years, with the Asian country already in 2015 according to Forbes responsible for 15.6 percent of the total global economy. In the same year, the United States contributed 16.7 percent, but this share is expected to increase reduced by 2025 to 14.9 percent.
So are Baba Vanga's predictions true? Among other things, she announced end world hunger by 2028, until the year 2045 the glaciers will melt, they will be on Mars by 2256 nuclear power plants, and the earth will be uninhabitable since 2341.

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