
Stories written on skin

The singer and actress Lara Jankovič, who is known to the public for her chanson performances and also for the exciting performance Kot jaz, dedicated to the unforgettable Edith Piaf, has recorded a new album On the skin of the story. The lyrics of the song were written by the poet and publicist Feri Lainšček, and they were set to music...

Important information
Cultural center, Bevkov trg 4, Nova Gorica
Facebook event
Entrance fee
14 euros.

Pevka in igralka Lara Jankovič, ki jo javnost pozna po njenih izvedbah šansonov in tudi navdušujoči predstavi Kot jaz, posvečeni nepozabni Edith Piaf, je posnela novo ploščo Na kožo zapisane zgodbe. Besedila pesmi so nastala izpod peresa pesnika in publicista Ferija Lainščka, uglasbili pa so jih glasbeniki Saša Olenjuk, Vitalij Osmačko in Miloš Simić. Slednja dva sta pripravila tudi aranžmaje. Pesmi so pesmi o ljubezni in svobodi. Na odru se ji bodo pridružili Vitalij Osmačko na kitari, Matija Krečič na violini, Žarko Vojinović na harmoniki in Petra Trobec na kontrabasu. 

Joe Satriani

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