For many years, aerial photography was just a dream of photographers, but with the advent of low-cost 'trots', drones, this kind of photography literally flew into the sky. Check out the five best photos from the contest of the French branch of National Geographic and Dronestagram in our gallery.
But even before that, I owe you an explanation Dronestagram. A case of Instagram of drone photography enthusiasts who indirectly drone restores reputation lost in the Middle East. They don't work in the air acrobatics like jet planes on the recent anniversary of the fall of the Bastille, but they make for no less absorbing scenes than steel birds. And if until recently we had photos from bird's eye view almost mandatory 'plexi filter' (because you can't open the windows on the plane), but with the help of the 'trot' it is possible to take beautiful photos without unwanted effects and that without having to embark on a daring adventure as it is parachute jump.
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