
A pool in the middle of the Mojave desert. No, this is not a mirage!

Deserts seem like a lonely place that does not overly love the living, but at the same time a popular place for meditation and purification. Although it's a metaphorical cleansing, now you can actually cleanse yourself in the Mojave Desert in California. A swimming pool is waiting for you in an unknown location. A mirage? No, at least not until May 1, 2015.

Where, if not in the desert, would it be more appropriate to jump into a pool? 64750 km2 the great desert Mojave offers you just that. He who goes there without knowing that it exists will probably think he is seeing a mirage, but 3.3 x 1.5 meters a large pool called Social pool, is still kind of real. You can get its coordinates only in MAK Center for Art and Architecture (West Hollywood), and this is also the only information released by the author Alfredo Barsuglia, besides, of course, that you won't be able to get to the pool easily.

READ MORE: Dream pools for a dream summer

This also underlines its purpose, namely how much and how far people are willing to go luxury. You will definitely have to go to the pool to pass and transport much more than to a store stocked with luxury goods. But that's exactly the charm. Luxury is not for everyone. Because, despite its prestigious status, it cannot afford a swimming pool pool maintainer, its purity is ensured by a filter that - surprisingly - solar cells. However, it has a place to change clothes so that you are away from prying eyes. Yes, because in the desert it rains like sand! You have until May 1st, after which any swimming pool in the middle of the desert will be nothing a mirage.


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