
Nerdwax – wax that prevents glasses from sliding off the nose

Nerdwax Eyeglass Wax

Are you annoyed because your glasses keep sliding off your nose and you have to constantly adjust them, especially when you sweat or because you have oily skin? Don't like nostrils because the skin under them doesn't breathe? Then you should consider Nerdwax. Wax for (any) glasses that you wear on the bridge and tips of the arms to prevent any slippage.

You have oily skin and wear glasses? Then you probably need glasses they keep sliding off the nose. The solution? Nerdwax! Nerdwax is a beeswax that prevents glasses from sliding off your nose. It creates friction between the glasses and the skin. You apply it to the bridge and the tips of the arms, where the glasses come into contact with the skin.

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The wax is made exclusively from natural ingredients, so it is not only intended to hold the glasses in place, but also skin care. It doesn't get sweaty, and at the same time it's not so sticky that your glasses are all sticky. And how persistent is Nerdwax? It depends on the activity and thickness of the coating.

If you're going to sweat profusely, it lasts for 1-2 hours, otherwise it should be a one time application enough for the whole day. One tube is enough for 6-8 months of use. On Amazon you must deduct the calculated for Nerdwax 9 euros.

Nerdwax Eyeglass Anti-Slip Wax:

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