The era of social networks in which we live has brought us many things - good and bad. But while we adults decide for ourselves what private content we will publish online, the youngest do not have this privilege. Although parents may have good intentions, posting some pictures of their children can put them at risk. Experts point out that there are 6 types of children's photos that should never be published.
It is important to emphasize that once published photos do not disappear from the web, so even if you delete them, they can be accessed by technologically savvy people. Protection of children's rights and their safety would must have been the guiding thought, so it's good to know what kind of picture posting we're talking about.
Pictures with name tags
Pictures of your child with a name tag are the kind of photo that can reveal their identity. If you still want to post such an image, please make sure you are blurred the name on the tag and any tags on other children, if they are in the photo.
Photos tagged kindergarten, school, sports club
Such photos may seem harmless, but they are not. They can attract various "predators" by giving them some basic information about the child, which can put them in danger, revealing where the child is or where they can find him.
Photo: Ksenia Chernaya/Pexels
Metadata and geotagged images
If you're in the habit of posting details of your family life on social media, it's better not to reveal the platforms you use to post pictures metadata of your photos.
Metadata, or EXIF data, holds information about the time and place the picture was taken and can be used to find your child. You can too turn off geotagging and metadata for all your images. It's also a good idea to check the privacy settings on your social media accounts and make sure you only share photos of your children with people you trust. The decision to post photos should be solely the parent's, so refrain from posting cute cousins, nephews or other children close to you - as doing so may violate the wishes of those whose role it is to protect them.
Photos showing angry outbursts or bad behavior
The next type of photos that can make your child feel embarrassed and disappointed when they see them online are pictures that show their bad behavior or other moments of weakness. Even if the reason for your child's distress seems funny enough to share, remember that it can be a real tragedy for your child at any given moment and you should not laugh at his feelings.
Photo: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels
Pictures showing an uncovered child
Once an image is uploaded to the Internet, we no longer have complete control over it and we do not know who can see, copy or share it. Posting pictures the child's naked or partially covered body it can attract sexual predators, and these photos can make your children uncomfortable when they grow up and see them posted on the Internet.
Pictures showing other children
While trying to protect your children's identity online, don't forget the safety of other children. Do not post pictures of other children, or if you do, blur their faces and any other details that might reveal their identity